Hey gusy. Do you prefer RDA vape or RTA vape? This time we'll be covering the Wasp Nano RTA by Oumier, don't miss out on it if you like.
Oumier Wasp Nano RTA is a finely crafted vaping atomizer, consisting of a respectable 23mm diameter, a postless build deck with two open terminals, and can hold up to 2mL of today's popular eJuice to create a beautifully designed atomizer. Built from superior stainless steel construction, the Wasp Nano is compact and sturdy, able to withstand the average wear and tear with little to no problems. With included Pyrex Glass Reinforcement, the Wasp Nano is designed to withstand many things that would put other atomizers out of commission.
Within the single-coil structure is an elevated postless build deck with two open terminals, top secured via flathead screws, and PEEK insulated on the positive post making this the perfect atomizer for exotic or large coil builds using thicker wires. Airflow enters the Wasp Nano RTA via dual slotted bottom airflow ring and can be adjusted by rotating the ring to the desired size. All in all, you simply can not go wrong with the Oumier Wasp Nano. Just pop in your e-juice and enjoy it!
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